Telkomsat Prevents Covid-19 in the Office Area

  • May 14, 2020
Bogor - In anticipation of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Telkomsat sprayed disinfectants on all work rooms and office facilities. This activity began on March 23 and is routinely carried out until now, this is also in line with the call of the minister of BUMN to always maintain sanitation in the work environment.

Spraying is carried out throughout the Telkomsat office and is carried out by officers overseen by the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Unit. All officers and supervisors are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to anticipate exposure to the chemicals used and Covid-19.

In addition to spraying disinfectants, Telkomsat also takes precautionary measures, among others by checking body temperature (thermal scanner), providing cloth masks and facilitating the existence of portable washbasins and hand sanitizers for each employee and guest who will enter the building.

In an effort to maintain occupational health for employees, Telkomsat issued a policy of working time regulation, through the implementation of Work From Home (WFH), the distribution of work shifts, and socialization about Covid-19 through internal media.

It is hoped that by implementing this effort, Telkomsat will assist the government in reducing the number of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, as well as creating a clean and healthy work environment.